I am less than a month away from graduating college. It seems like these past three years of my life, including nearly three full semesters during quarantine, have flown by and changed me in so many ways. Growing up in Casper, I always said that I would leave Wyoming as soon as possible.
I went to the same middle school and high school as Matthew Shepard and had teachers and a father who knew him before he passed. All I knew of Laramie was the story of his death. In short, I was scared shitless to move to this town. My freshman year, in the fall of 2018, marked 20 years since his death. Someone offered me a memorial armband. I did not take it, out of fear that the town would turn against me, too. Now, I wish I had. Because the truth is, Laramie is far more safe and friendly for someone like me than most of Wyoming. In Laramie, I've had a queer boss and queer coworkers. In Casper, I was told people like me don't deserve a job.
Graduating early has its perks, I'll admit. But a part of me felt like I was missing out on some college experiences due to the pandemic and my quickened pace. I enrolled in this class because I hoped I could learn more about myself and my community. This class gave me more opportunities to be true to myself than any other class before this.
Thank you all for a great semester. I will think of this class when I see caps in the air in a few weeks, and will remember the lessons you have all taught me for a lifetime.
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