Thursday, November 9, 2023

On My Body

 Module 4 submission.

On My Body

Dust, slime, scaley skin.

Take it for granted

Fight against it

Decide it is not there for me

When my back doesn’t have my back.

Alter it, shape it, moon sand in my hands

When I woke up from the surgery I cried

And I said I was just happy but I cry when I

Come out of anesthesia- did after I broke the bone beneath my eye.

It reminds me too much of the other times when my body

Has been in other’s hands.

My hands in others.

My hands on my chest, absentmindedly

But this is about the body as a whole.

Working moving parts

Womanly- not if I have anything to do with it.

I shape my body but recognize that my body shapes me

And the world shapes it

And at any moment—

The world is not in our control, nor is it in mine,

And if the world controls my body

Or if things are fated then—


I am not good with change but

It is nice

And scary

To know things might not always be this way.

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