Wednesday, February 17, 2021


 i dream of her.


her almond soap

still gently masking

the sticky sweet sweat

of an august well spent.

her chest, gently moving

up and down and up

its own sweet rhythm.

her lips, parting in the morning sun

drinking in the dredges of starlight.


its too early to say good morning.

too late to say goodbye.


she stays like this

just out of reach

her sheets brushing against my legs

warmed by our bodies

and the end of a summer.

her curves mimic mine

the way i wish i could erase us

make us into memory

just for a moment.


i think to touch her,

kiss her,

keep her complete in this morning

where she is still whole.

i want to wake her.


i simply watch her,

feel her breathing,

and dream.

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